How do you fix resolution trouble ?
Software require minimal resolution in order to work properly. This problem occur because of video card drivers are not installed, physical screen, windows settings, conflicting drivers.
Monitors back in the year 2000s are not adjusted to work with software and operating systems of today. Software are optimized to work on high resolution screen "19' and more".
Identify Windows trouble with drivers
- Start up your computer wait until you are on Windows.
- Right-click on "Computer" and select "Manage"
- On the left, select "Device Manager"
- Left-click on the arrow next to "Display adapters"
- Identify any red "X" circle or any "!" yellow triangle.
If you have a "X" or a "!" (trouble state), refer to "Reinstall video card drivers"
If you dont have any driver in trouble state, refer to "Windows Settings"
Resolution steps for resolution is too low
Windows Settings - Unable to see clearly (or everything is too big)
- Start up your computer wait until you are on Windows.
- Right-clic on your desktop, select "Screen Resolution"
- Left-click on "Resolution" and select "Recommanded"
- Left-click on "Apply"
- Left-click on "Ok"
Reinstall video Card drivers - The drivers seems to be not installed properly on the PC or might be corrupted or in conflict with another application
- Start up your computer wait until you are on Windows.
- Right-click on "Computer" and select "Manage"
- On the left, select "Device Manager"
- Left-click on the arrow next to "Display adapters"
- Go on the Video card Web site for support and verified if there's no drivers or software update associated with the Video card model.
- Download and Install driver.
- Follow instruction of the installation process.
Aditional informations